Overall Statistics
- Total submissions: 23 (61% of the accepted SOSP papers)
- Evaluation results: 21 (Artifact Available), 19 (Artifact Functional), 12 (Results Replicated)
- Distinguished artifact award: Three recipients are
- 1. Lineage Stash: Fault Tolerance Off the Critical Path
- 2. Risk-based planning for evolving data-center networks
- 3. Scaling Symbolic Evaluation for Automated Verification of Systems Code with Serval
List of Papers with Awarded Badges
Badges (AA, AF, RR) | Paper |
Verifying concurrent, crash-safe systems with Perennial. https://github.com/mit-pdos/perennial/tree/master/artifact |
Risk-based planning for evolving data-center networks. https://github.com/SiGe/Janus |
Scaling symbolic evaluation for automated verification of systems code with Serval. https://unsat.cs.washington.edu/projects/serval/ |
RECIPE: Converting Concurrent DRAM Indexes to Persistent-Memory Indexes. https://github.com/utsaslab/RECIPE |
File Systems Unfit as Distributed Storage Backends: Lessons from 10 Years of Ceph Evolution. https://github.com/mkuchnik/CephEvolution |
SplitFS: Reducing Software Overhead in File Systems for Persistent Memory. https://github.com/utsaslab/SplitFS |
Lineage Stash: Fault Tolerance Off the Critical Path. https://github.com/stephanie-wang/ray/tree/lineage-stash |
Verifying Software Network Functions with No Verification Expertise. https://github.com/vigor-nf/vigor |
I4: Incremental Inference of Inductive Invariants for Verification of Distributed Protocols. https://github.com/GLaDOS-Michigan/I4 |
An Analysis of Performance Evolution of Linux's Core Operations. https://github.com/LinuxPerfStudy/LEBench |
Optimizing Deep Learning Computation with Automated Generation of Graph Substitutions. https://github.com/jiazhihao/sosp19ae |
Efficient and Scalable Thread-Safety Violation Detection --- Finding thousands of concurrency bugs during testing. https://github.com/SpectrumLi/TSVDExamples |
Optimizing Data Intensive Computations in Existing Libraries with Split Annotations. https://github.com/weld-project/split-annotations |
Parity Models: Erasure-Coded Resilience for Prediction Serving Systems. https://github.com/Thesys-lab/parity-models |
Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Blockchain Access. https://github.com/lsds/Teechain |
Scalable and Practical Locking with Shuffling. https://github.com/sslab-gatech/shfllock |
Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework. https://github.com/sslab-gatech/hydra |
Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training. https://github.com/msr-fiddle/pipedream |
AutoMine: Harmonizing High-Level Abstraction and High Performance for Graph Mining | |
ShortCut: Accelerating Mostly-Deterministic Code Regions. https://github.com/dozenow/shortcut |
Replication in the era of microservices. https://github.com/GLaDOS-Michigan/Aegean |
Nexus: A GPU Cluster Engine for Accelerating Neural Networks Based Video Analysis. https://github.com/uwsampl/nexus |