Call for AEC Members

We are looking for members of the Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC), who will contribute to OSDI’s Artifact Evaluation (AE) process by reviewing submitted artifacts. AEC membership is especially suitable for researchers early in their career, such as PhD students. Even as a first-year PhD student, you are welcome to join the AEC, provided you are working in a topic area covered by OSDI (such as operating systems, distributed/networked systems, systems security, and other areas of computer systems research). You can be located anywhere in the world as all committee discussions will happen online.

As an AEC member, you will not only help promote the reproducibility of experimental results in systems research, but also get to familiarize yourself with research papers just accepted for publication at OSDI 2023 and explore their artifacts. For a given artifact, you may be asked to evaluate its public availability, functionality, and/or ability to reproduce the results from the paper. You will be able to discuss with other AEC members and anonymously interact with the authors as necessary, for instance if you are unable to get the artifact to work as expected. Finally, you will provide a review for the artifact to give constructive feedback to its authors, discuss the artifact with fellow reviewers, and help award the paper artifact evaluation badges.

We expect that each member will evaluate 1–2 artifacts and that each evaluation will take around 10–20 hours. AEC members are expected to allocate time to choose the artifacts they want to review, to read the chosen papers, to evaluate and review the corresponding artifacts, and to be available for online discussion until the artifact notification deadline. Please ensure that you have sufficient time and availability for the AEC during the period from May 1st to May 22nd 2023. Please also ensure you will be able to carry out the evaluation independently, without sharing artifacts or related information with others and limiting all the discussions to within the AEC.

For evaluations that do not require large computing resources or special hardware, we will ask you to perform the evaluation on your own computer (any moderately recent desktop or laptop computer will do). For any evaluations that you cannot perform on your own computer, we will either provide you with a cloud VM you can use, or make arrangements with the authors to provide you with remote access to their systems (e.g., via SSH). You will not be asked to pay for any computing resources out of your own pocket.

How to Apply

If you are interested in becoming a part of the AEC, please complete the online self-nomination form.

Deadline: Thursday 14th April, Anywhere on Earth

You can reach us at with any questions.